Sunday, June 18, 2006

Dinos and Clouds

Well, it's been a couple days and I've been busy driving. Yesterday I went from Fernie to Calgary via Lethbridge. There was thunder & lightning in Fernie, blue skies in Pincher Creek/Lethbridge and storms and rain in Calgary. Thankfully, I managed to get to Calgary in time to see the last period of the Edmonton/Carolina game!

Today was essentially a day off. I drove north, stopped at Cranked in Airdrie (the fastest growing town in Alberta) and then crossed over to Drumheller to check out the Tyrrell Dino Museum. It's about a 90 minute drive each way but was well worth it.

If there's one thing I consistently see on these trips, it's baby farms animals. Today I saw a bunch of young horses actually chasing each other. They were "rippin'" (cool word of the year btw) around this field chasing each other. It's funny when you see that if you haven't grown up with horses. I'm only used to seeing them stand around and swish their tales. As for the other animals, well there were tons of sheep (still to be sheared) and cows. The funniest scened was a ranch-dog running with a newborn cow tightly around a few horses. They were playing and it looked hilarious.

Anyway, it's off to Edmonton tomorrow.


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